
SensUs 2021


Development of a biosensor for the hemagglutinin (H1) which is the main protein antigen that can be found in the surface of H1N1 virus (that causes influenza A).

Design of an ECG device


Biomedical Equipment and Instruments project to design an isolated measurement channel for ECG signals.

Programming a Potentiostat


Microcontrollers project to perform two electroquemical measurements with a portable potentiostat: a chronoamperometry and a cyclic voltammetry.

InterMineR Cytoscape


Summer internship in the Department of Genetics of the University of Cambridge developing visualization tools for InterMine project, which has driven to the final degree project

SISCOM analysis program


Project for the subject of Medical Engineering Applications that aims to use the SISCOM analysis for multimodality imaging in epilepsy.

Covid-19 Prediction Model


Project for Modelling Biological Systems, 3rd year subject, that aims to model and simulate the time evolution of the Covid-19 in Spain.

AlpsNMR Interface


Development of a graphical user interface for computational metabolomics workflows during an internship in the Intitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia IBEC.

Rarehacks 2019


1st Place in the Hackathon for the Share4Rare project: RareHacks. Three days to apply data science tools to real biomedicine case contributing to help families suffering from rare diseases.