2019 Summer Internship in IBEC


AlpsNMR is a software for biomarker discovery in samples (urine, blood or cell extracts) developed by international researchers led by Santiago Marco at the IBEC. The R package has been made public in Bioconductor. With the functions of the developed tool the steps for processing untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have been automated: from 1D spectra until the identification of biomarkers that predict a condition.

Shiny Interface

The purpose of this project was integrating all the main functions of AlpsNMR in a user-friendly interface for researchers without prior knowdledge of R Studio. During the first days of the internship, Shiny was introduced to build the interactive app. I also learned the steps for the signal processing of Bruker NMR data using the AlpsNMR package. The pipeline of the the Shiny interface was the following: